Empfohlen [SSG] Operation Heat and Misery



Tech-Support: ab Uhr

Einslotten ab: 17:30 Uhr

Missionsstart: 18:00 Uhr

Verantwortlicher: Antares

Missionsbauer: [SSG] Enfisk



Since the old Mali empire, the north western part of Africa has long been an important trade and shipping route for the continent. But gone are the days of prosperity and stability. In modern times, these parts are an area of constant conflicts between militias and warlords over who controls the resources in the area. And on top of that, many of the surrounding regions were once French colonies which suffered hard during the occupation. The French were long present in the area, even after many of the regions were declared soverign nations. This along with ravaged natural resources and mismanaged governments, led to the forming of many violent militias.

The region of Kujari is a war torn part of western Africa, a region still reeling from the very recent uprising of a militia group called Nge Mchanga (NATO designation 'Desert Extremists'). Their name loosely translates to "Sand Scorpions".

The Nge Mchanga are led by a ruthless warlord which has a lotof support in the Kujari region due to him and his militias success with raiding French military convoys. They have paraded around in stolen military equipment and also gifted a lot of stolen equipment and necessities to the local villages, in return they demand new recruits. The Nge Mchanga does not look kindly to villages that does not cower under their demands, the humanitarian group IDAP report almost daily about acts of mutilation and executions taking place in Kujari by this militia.

French Intelligence Services confirm most of these reports officially but there are also romours about terrorist acts such as bombings and beheddings of civillians that defy the Nge Mchanga.

Throughout the years, the French army suffered by the hand of Nge Mchanga and their ambushes and lost a terrifying number of soldiers and material, and worst of all they lost the support of the French mainland to continue in the effort to stabilize the region. For the last two years, the frequency of ambushes and even attacks on the French outposts in the area have increased drastically, all the while support for the continued effort has been dropping. The French are now pulling out of the region, passing the mantle and task to two other EU countries.

Germany and Sweden have agreed upon a joint task force to take over the huge task of stabilizing the region and enabling civilian life to prosper. The countries have agreed to send two platoons with highly trained soldiers comprising 2 platoons along with enabler groups such as helicopter pilots, artillerymen and specilized recon units.

The hope of the French and the EU in large, is by having two countries without historic ties to the region, could allow for a more peaceful co-existing and a new chance to start the conversation about amnesty and disarming the militias without using force.

The mission statement reads:

EUJTF Kujari, main task is to contribute and support to increase the building of a security force within the Kujari Regional Police and to protect and empower the civilian population by supplying security and stability to enable rebuilding the region. The mission is part of a long standing goal to reinstate democracy and stability in the whole region, around and within Kujari.


The company Sierra Lima has deployed to the region of Kujari and are situated in the north east airfield, long used by the French as a military outpost. The outpost is in quite a bad shape but will do for now. We have not been in the region for long, and time is of the essence if we are to sway any of the populace that we are here to help.

Together with IDAP, we have prepared a convoy of medical supplies, food and water along with pumping equipment, to distribute to a few of the larger villages. It's important that we reach as many civilians as possible if this is to be successful.

Parallel to the humanitarian efforts, we will supply the regional police force with some new vehicles and weapons to boost their morale and ability to police in the region. They have long been terribly under equipped for the task.

We are to form a convoy and head to the village X to distribute the humanitarian items. The items can be unloaded in the town squaretownsquare, we trust that the inhabitants will sort out the rest and handle the items with care.

When the humanitarian items are unloaded and the water trucks are parked, we are to move along to the nearest police station, just south of village X. Meet with the local police chiefand unload their new vehicles as well as stock up their ammodepo.

It's important that we speak to the civilians and the local police to gather intel about the area and the presence of the militia. Use this intel to get a lay of the land and to plan the next step according to our mission statement.



Einsatzgebiet: Kujari Desert

Armee: NATO







----------|Slots |----------

Alpha 1-1:

#1 Gruppenführer - Antares

#2 Grenadier - Joker

#3 MG5-Schütze - Das_Steffenkind

#4 Munitionsträger - Morwed

#5 Pzf3-Schütze

#6 Pzf3-Schütze - Tom1100

#7 Gruppenscharfschütze

#8 Sanitäter - Gundyr

Bravo 1-1

#9 Gruppenführer - Lucker

#10 Grenadier - Magnon

#11 MG5-Schütze - Denret

#12 Munitionsträger - dermartin

#13 Pzf3-Schütze

#14 Pzf3-Schütze

#15 Gruppenscharfschütze - Rocar

#16 Sanitäter - Chinokahn Wayne

Charlie 1-1

#17 Gruppenführer - LuGoPa

#18 Grenadier

#19 MG5-Schütze - Berli

#20 Munitionsträger - Billig

#21 Pzf3-Schütze - danielthex

#22 Pzf3-Schütze -

#23 Gruppenscharfschütze - Herbert Wayne

#24 Sanitäter


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