[SSG] Operation Heat and Misery 2



Tech-Support: ab Uhr

Einslotten ab: 17:30 Uhr (Treffen auf dem Prae-TS)

Missionsstart: 18:00 Uhr

Verantwortlicher: Antares

Missionsbauer: [SSG] Enfisk



The company Sierra Lima has been in the region now for over two months and have mostly suppressed or driven the insurgents out of the northern part of Kujari. Most villages in the northern Kujari are now enjoying peace and prosperity to live their life, unburdened of violence and the insurgents.

To successfully have peace in Kujari, the southern part of the region needs to be liberated from the Nge Mchanga. These villages and towns south of the Kujari river have been a safe haven for the insurgents to use as strongholds and a staging ground for manufacturing of IEDs and holding hostages, disabling us to use airstrikes to neutralize the insurgents' known locations. The only solution is to launch a ground offensive.

At the break of dawn, on the 5th of december, the company will roll out of C.O.P Jones with a mechanized platoon in front. The first objective is to pierce the defences of the insurgents and capture the village of Kura. We have intel point to the village being used as a training ground for new insurgents. Reconnaissance tells us it’s defended by mostly untrained lightly armed units and some stationary weaponry. A few trucks has been going in and out of the village during the night, most likely transporting hostages and uncooperative civilians to be tortured in the city. It is of utmost importance that the civilian infrastructure is not damaged beyond repair and that the innocent civilians and any hostages are freed and taken back to our FOB in the north.


To seize the moment and cripple the insurgents of their hostile actions against IDAP convoys, we are to capture of kill the two bomb makers in the village Mallumti Burin and the small village of Yusufari. Same RoE applies here, we are not to raze the villages to the ground, especially not when they might be filled with explosives already.. Proceed with caution.


To finally rid Kujari of the Nge Mchanga insurgency, we need to capture their stronghold and long lasting insurgency-capital in the region, the town of Balam Kurdi. This is where they keep their high value hostages and store most of their heavy vehicles. Advance into the town and rid it of the insurgents.



Kura - IDAP hostages Advance into Kura and rescue the IDAP hostages

Mallumti Burin - Bombmaker Sieze the village of Mallumti Burin and capture the bombmaker without destroying the village.

Yusufari - Bombmaker Sieze the village of Mallumti Burin and capture the bombmaker without destroying the village.

Balama Kurdi - Insurgent Stronghold
The town of Blama Kurdi is the biggest and baddest insurgent stronghold in the region. Sieze the city and look for any hostages



Einsatzgebiet: Kujari Desert

Armee: NATO

Feinde: Rebellen






----------|Slots |----------

Bravo Squad:

#1 Zugführer - Antares

#2 Stellv. Zugführer -

Puma 1-1:

#3 Puma Kommandant - Tom1100

#4 Puma Schütze - LuGoPa

#5 Puma Fahrer -

Bravo 1-1:

#6 Gruppenführer - Joker

#7 Grenadier - [SSG]

#8 MG-Schütze - mordl

#9 Munitionsträger - Niklas

#10 Gruppenscharfschütze - [SSG]

#11 Sanitäter - Billig

Puma 1-2:

#12 Puma Kommandant - Berli

#13 Puma Schütze - Spartan4life386

#14 Puma Fahrer - HellsMarch

Bravo 1-2:

#15 Gruppenführer - Das_Steffenkind

#16 Grenadier - [SSG]

#17 LMG-Schütze - dermartin

#18 Pzf-Schütze - Chinokahn Wayne

#19 Pzf-Schütze - [SSG]

#20 Sanitäter - Magnon

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Kommentare 9

  • Aufgrund von einem sagen wir mal "Unfall" schaffe ich es heute nicht zur mission. Genauen Grund kann per PM gefragt werden.

  • Aufgrund eines technischen Defekts musste ich meinen PC zurück setzen.

    Ob ich bis dato die mods runtergeladen habe ist daher unklar.

    Setze mich auf Vorbehalt.

  • Besteht die Möglichkeit in einem Trupp der SSG zu spielen?

  • Muss auf VB, habe an dem Tag meine Praktische RettH Prüfung

    • Ach die ist nicht schwer xD

    • Danke, dass sagst du, das scgwierigste sind die ganzen Krankheitsbilder auswendig zu lernen. Neben Betrieb und Schule

  • Einfach Sonntag AcHW4EW.png

    • Lässt sich leider nicht ändern...